ASEAN Digital Senior Officials Meeting With the Republic of Korea
Shangri-La Boracay, Malay, Aklan

Good morning, Madam Chair!
The Philippines wishes to note that the domain of ICT policy still has many challenges. Technological advancements happen very quickly while ICT policies are rendered out-of-date with these rapid developments. Capacity building programs such as the Korea ICT Leadership Program (KoIL) are crucial in building the regional capacity for policy formulation, and deepening insight into the dynamics of policies and emerging technologies. As such, the Philippines fully supports the Korea ICT Leadership Program to enhance ICT policy implementation capacity of policy-makers and improve ICT-enabled public services.
Moreover, the Philippines expresses its gratitude to the government of South Korea for supporting our country’s digital transformation initiatives, such as the feasibility study for expanding the National Broadband Infrastructure in the regions of Ilocos, Cagayan Valley, MIMAROPA, and Bicol; as well as support for the financing of a project to install broadband lines and telecommunication equipment in the said areas. We look forward to a stronger partnership, particularly on digital infrastructure, ICT skills education and trainings, and digital economy.
Thank you, Madam Chair!